Return of Compulsory Scottish texts in Higher English?

September 18, 2009

There has been ongoing debate about whether Scottish literature should be compulsory, once again, when reforms to Higher English take place next year (2010).It has already been confirmed that Creative Writing will again become assessed in its own right and make up what is likely to be a substantial percentage of the final mark under the new Higher English examination.

 Most schools will be using Scottish texts as a matter of personal choice anyway, but should it be a compulsory requirement under the Higher English examination reforms? Clearly, Curriculum for Excellence has a definite Scottish focus and it is certainly the case that, in devising a revised curriculum that meets the requirements of the CfE framework, schools will have to focus on Scottish language and culture.

This site, in some ways, anticipates the return of compulsory Scottish literary study and, even if it doesn’t become something that English teachers in Scottish schools have to do, it would be unusual if they didn’t want to use Scottish texts  to meet the needs of their pupils in a more effective manner if nothing else.

What do you think?